If you want to achieve your full potential as a freelancer or solopreneur, help is at hand…
You want to achieve more.
You’re not looking for the usual, baby-step moves forward. You want something a whole lot more dramatic… a real breakthrough.
And that kind of breakthrough is incredibly difficult to achieve alone.
That’s why top athletes, movie stars, start-up entrepreneurs and the CEOs of major corporations all work with coaches.
Their coaches help them achieve their breakthrough moments. They help them overcome obstacles, and achieve their full potential.
To achieve a breakthrough moment of your own, you’ll likely need help getting there.
What our 6 weeks together will look like…
Some coaches work with their clients in a very unstructured way. They begin with some questions, and then follow the thread of the conversation wherever it takes them. A bit like therapy sessions.
I get that. I do the same… starting with a few key questions. But I also like to offer a menu of topics we can address together.
As you can see, I break our engagement into 6 sessions over the course of 6 weeks.
This is our starting structure, but it isn’t rigid. Every engagement ends up being customized. With some clients we’ll spend the whole 6 weeks on just one or two of these topics.
Here are our starting points, session by session…
Session 1: Get Clarity and Focus. Why are you here? What do you want to get from coaching? And where are you at with your business right now?
Session 2: Review Your Goals. Is your goal a good match for your ambitions and abilities? Which is the best niche or specialty to help achieve that goal?
Session 3: Explore Your Process. This is where we look at how you spend your time, and how you apply yourself to key tasks like client work, and your own marketing.
Session 4: Establish Your Brand. How to people recognize you and your value? How do you separate yourself from all your competitors? This is what “branding” is for.
Session 5: Focus Your Marketing. Segment your prospects audience more clearly, refine your positioning, and sharpen your marketing message.
Session 6: Think Bigger! Break free from any self-limiting beliefs, look for ways to expand your original goals, and achieve more than you ever dreamed possible.
BONUS Session: Adapt and thrive in a world with AI. We can have this session at any time after session 1. And yes, you have a future with AI at your side!
[I also offer a separate coaching service focused on AI alone.]
Am I the right coach for you?
That’s hard to say without getting to know each other a little. This is why we always start off with a free, 20-30 minute Discovery Call, preferably on Zoom. It’s a great way to get a feel for each other.
Beyond that, I would say I’m at my best as a coach with freelancers who already have at least one year’s experience under their belt.
You’ve worked with a few clients, and already make at least a mid 5-figures a year. You probably also have a website, and are active on social media channels.
But… you want more. In fact, you KNOW you can achieve more. But you just need a little help unlocking your next leap forward.
That is where I think I work at my best… helping you shift up into breakthrough mode.
“If you can get a spot on Nick’s Coaching Program, you should jump at the chance. Nick has not only achieved international recognition and respect as a copywriter, but also has the rare gift of being able to share the secrets of his freelance success with others. Also, on a personal note, he’s one of the most decent, no-BS guys you’ll ever deal with.”
Bob Bly
Author of Become an Instant Guru
What you can expect me to deliver by the
time we’re done…
As you might expect, the list of desirable “outcomes” will vary from client to client. Everyone has different needs and priorities.
But there are 4 things I can promise you…
I’ll really listen to what you say to me. Listening is probably the most important skill for any coach. You’ll see me in action with my listening skills primarily during our first two sessions. If you ever catch me not listening carefully enough, let me know!
I’ll give you advice based on real experience. I’m not an academic teacher. Everything I share is based on over 35 years of experience as a freelancer. I’ve worked with hundreds of companies across dozens of industries.
I’ll make recommendations you can ACT on. I have sufficient experience in the freelance business to be able to give you concrete suggestions about what you can DO or TRY. In other words, I won’t just make vague suggestions. I’ll suggest steps you can take immediately.
I’ll give you a solid nudge or push from time to time. Sometimes a whole new level of success is within your grasp, but you need someone to help you get there with a gentle push. Don’t worry, I’ll warn you in advance of giving you that nudge!
Is this coaching package super-expensive?
A few years ago I spent $7,500 on an education and mentoring service. A close business friend said, “As long as this new information brings you $15,000 in additional revenues, you’ll be in good shape.” To which I replied, “$15,000? I guess. But what I really want is to leverage this $7,500 investment into $75,000 in extra revenue.”
That’s what being in breakthrough mode is all about. You don’t invest your time and money safely in the hope of incremental gains. You invest in opportunities that hold the potential to bring you a 10x return, and maybe more.
The price for the complete series of one-on-one coaching sessions is just US$4,500.
Is that a fair price to rewrite the future of your business?
That’s for you to decide.
This is true one-on-one coaching, with me at your side every step of the way.
It’s just the two of us on Zoom for an hour a week for 6 weeks. Plus that BONUS call on AI. Between calls I’ll give you some work to do, and I’ll be available to you by email if you have questions.
We’ll customize the use of that time to meet your particular needs and challenges.
For my part, I promise to bring to the table everything I have learned as a coach and trainer over the last decade. Plus my own experience as a 6-figure freelancer over the last 35 years.
Ready now? Let’s take the next step…
Step one is to complete this short form.
Step two is to schedule a 20-30 minute Discovery Call, just to make sure we’re a good match, and to answer any questions you may have.
If that goes well, we’ll get the fee paid and out of the way, and start on the coaching sessions themselves.
Let’s get started on moving you into “breakthrough success” mode…
Kind words from some of my coaching clients…
“Nick’s coaching service is invaluable… You’ll hear a door open, as I did, when you say “yes” to his coaching offer. He is a remarkably talented, empathetic, and motivational coach. Nick helped me define my niche, guided me in market research, and even shared his writing process (which is invaluable in itself!). Ultimately, it looks like our sessions together will have culminated in me landing a significant project for a major digital publication. Thanks, Nick!”
Lynn Moore“Nick’s coaching has been incredibly valuable to me for several reasons. He has challenged me into clarifying my niche and how I articulate it – this is HUGE! He also has boosted my confidence and given me a very positive foundation – now I know I don’t have such an uphill battle for repositioning myself and earning more for what I do! I enjoy his sense of humor and down-to-earth demeanor. It’s been a perfect coaching match for me.”
Pam Foster“Having Nick as my coach was one of the best investments I’ve made for my freelance copywriting business. He helped me determine the exact niche for my services and the pathway to achieve my goals. His insight, knowledge and expertise definitely speeded up my learning curve, and now I have more clarity and direction than I’ve had before.”
Janice Sakata-Schultze
- Remember, step one is to complete this short form…
“Nick Usborne is without a doubt one of the best Coaches in the Freelancing Industry. He has a great expertise and many ideas of how to help people to find their best freelancing opportunities, especially on the Internet. Revising the notes I took during the coaching sessions is like a never ending generator of new ideas-combinations to my freelancing career.”
Italo Baudo“Not only was Nick very helpful to my copywriting business, but he’s also enjoyable to work with — funny, smart, insightful. He knows when to talk and when to listen. He helped me narrow my focus and develop a niche from a long list of career and job experiences. I would highly recommend Nick to anyone in search of coaching help.”
Kevin Short“Nick gave me many nuggets of advice for my particular situation that I could not have easily gleaned from a book or training course. In addition, he provided a mixture of humor and encouragement threaded with a healthy dose of reality that made him a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend Nick to anyone looking for help in the areas of freelancing, online marketing and copywriting.”
Stan Robinson Jr.“Nick’s style is no-nonsense and straightforward, and I liked that very much. He did not pat me on the back and offer “rah-rah” or “go get ‘em” type of advice. He provided me with actionable suggestions that will go a long way in my quest for success in the freelance copywriting world. It was money and time well spent and I will be going back to Nick again soon for further coaching. Highly recommended!”
Jeff Bacot“Nick did an absolutely wonderful job at guiding me through the process of navigating the seemingly endless choices when entering the copywriting world. He was very patient and kept me on track throughout. Now, I have a plan and am working hard to making that come true. Nick was/is instrumental to making that come true!”
Dan Paluska
- Remember, step one is to complete this short form...
“Hiring Nick Usborne as a professional coach was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my business life. His deep knowledge of the freelance copywriting industry and breadth of experience gave me invaluable insight you won’t find anywhere else — you learn things from him that would otherwise take a lifetime to figure out. And he instills in you the confidence you need to break in and just do it. He’s a stress buster. If you are serious about launching your own freelance business, and you want guidance in building a stable and meaningful business, he’s the man with a plan.”
Melissa Waldron“I was lucky enough to receive coaching under Nick for my Social Media consulting business. He was always willing to give of his time – no question too minor. He was very encouraging and eager to share his experience and knowledge. You can’t do better than Nick if you want help in growing your freelance business.”
Lydia Mills Ocala“I want to say that after yesterday’s call, I was just really, really happy with this coaching process I’m going thru with you. I hope you get as much satisfaction out of it as I’m getting. You are really, really good at this. I know we exchanged money for services but I honestly feel I’ve gotten far more than I ever expected. Far more. So thanks for being so good at this stuff…”
Richard Pelletier“Working with Nick has been wonderful. His knowledge, expertise, and compassion for the insecure writer is invaluable. He not only helped to boost my confidence but we created a marketing plan that is already growing my fledgling business; within two weeks of our last call, I landed a client at double my usual fee. I would definitely recommend Nick’s coaching program to anyone who is looking to start a freelance business or grow their existing business. Thank you Nick!”
Krista Magidson
- To get the ball rolling, complete this short form…