Deliver your best copy every time, by using my checklist of 21 Copywriting Hacks.

9 Instructional videos covering 21 Copywriting Hacks… Helping you dramatically improve your copy BEFORE you submit it to your boss or client.

Two of the most important lessons I’ve learned during my 40+ years as a professional copywriter are…

  1. Your first draft of sales copy is never your best draft.

  2. The fastest, easiest and most reliable way to improve that first draft is by applying a formal review process.

I learned the first lesson early on, with the help of my early mentors and peers.

The second lesson took me much longer to figure out.

For years I was trying to improve early drafts of my copy simply by reading through it and looking for places where I could give it a few tweaks.

This informal approach simply doesn’t work.

That’s why I developed my 21 Copywriting Hacks.

These proven hacks represent a checklist I can use to improve the three core elements of any sales page… the Headline, the Body Text and the Call To Action.

Using this formal checklist has given me the edge I’ve needed to consistently
deliver powerful results for my clients, win international copywriting awards,
and earn a strong 6-figure income year after year.

And now it’s your turn…

By taking this course and learning how to apply each group of hacks, you’ll give yourself a massive advantage moving forward.

Whether you’re a freelance copywriter, in-house copywriter, entrepreneur or growth hacker… good things happen when your copy starts to deliver higher conversion rates and more sales!

“Great course! Learned a lot just viewing and applying the copywriting hacks. Using it on a current sales page and has already improved it.” Julio Ibarra

“Very good, nice and concise with some excellent real world examples. The course is easy to digest and help make my copy stronger, get readers engaged and hopefully lead to conversions. Thanks.” Viv van der Holst

Who is this course for?

It’s for anyone who writes sales copy for clients, their bosses or their own company.

Every business depends on powerful, effective promotional copy.

And when that copy is the best it can be – every time – good things happen!

Enroll in this course now, use the hacks, and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

The price of the course is just $77.

That’s a small price to pay for the opportunity to improve every piece of sales copy you write from this day forward.

“Your 21 Copywriting Hacks course was incredibly timely for me! I got it while I was in the middle of writing an online sales page for a client. Long story short, I applied just 3 of your hacks to one part of the page, and my client is super-excited about its generating lots of sales for her two-book bundle. A great big ol’ THANKS for putting this course out there now!” Natalie Rotunda

“Solid, helpful checks and reminders will certainly improve my copy, as well as develop my copywriting skills on future projects. Good value course…” Jim Mahannah

“Nick has an amazing and unique ability to take complex concepts and re-present them in a concrete and practical way so everyone learns and takes away something useful. He is generous and has a lot of wisdom to share. And he has a great sense of humor too, which makes learning fun.” Jay Schaffer