As freelancers we have to generate our own energy and momentum.
We don’t have colleagues or managers to give us a quick boost. Nor do we have group meetings or off-site brainstorming days.
At times we can do a great job of creating internal momentum for ourselves. At other times it becomes hard, and we feel ourselves running down, like a battery losing its charge.
And then there are times when we are given a little extra energy from an outside source. Like…
* Maybe a client showers you with praise.
* Or a respected peer praises you in print or online.
* Or you attend a meeting, seminar or conference, and feel thoroughly energized by the experience.
When you get an external boost, whatever the source, nurture it and use it.
Actually, the very first thing I do is sit back and enjoy that feel-good moment. It’s allowed!
Next, I try to identify what it was about the experience that made me feel good and gave me that extra burst of energy and enthusiasm.
Whatever it was, I should probably do more of it. I should focus more on the part of my business that triggered it.
Also, there have been times when I have had positive feedback on areas of my work that are not central to what I do. That feedback makes me pause and take a closer look at that aspect of my business. If it generates such a positive response, maybe I should do more of it.
In other words, I use these moments as a means to understand myself and my business a little better. I use them to develop sides of my business that will attract more positive feedback and momentum, more frequently.
Beyond that, I use extra momentum to get past any blocks that are holding me back.
If I’m feeling really energized and strong, that’s a good time to do some of those things I haven’t wanted to do – like doing my taxes, making that cold call, dealing with my investments or debts.
One way or another, I never allow a burst of positive energy to just “sit there” and slowly burn down.
I use it, either to build new, positive aspects to my business, or to get past hurdles and blocks in my business.
If you need help in determining the best way forward for your own freelance business, learn more about my coaching service…