At the beginning of each year I step back, take stock, see where “I’m at”, and… more importantly… try to figure out where I’m going.
This year, the stakes have never been higher.
According to a survey by Neil Patel of agency NP Digital, over 60% of text content is now being created purely through AI. And 26.8% through a combination of AI and humans.
In other words, AI now plays a significant role in the creation of over 85% of all new content being written for digital media.
This means we are already way past the conversation where some writers argue with me about whether AI writing is “good enough”.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re of the opinion that AI can’t replace human writers. We’re 85% past that point. It’s already happening.
The question now is how we can be part of the future of writing online.
Our role is to contribute the deep emotional layers of what it means to be human.
As any experienced copywriter will tell you, the most powerful force in sales copy is emotion.
In fact, emotion is the primary driver of all our purchase decisions.
We like to think our decision to buy something is well thought out and rational, but that is almost never the case. We buy something because we want it. We lead with that “want” or desire. Then we apply rational thinking to justify that decision.
“I really, really want a Rolex watch.” Followed by… “Wearing the watch will signal to my clients that I’m successful in my professional life.”
Nice try, but the truth is, you’re just kidding yourself. There may be some truth in your justification, but honestly, you just really, really want that watch!
Human emotions are complex and nuanced. Our siblings drive us crazy, but we love them. We hate our work half the time, but it gives our life meaning.
There are as ton of subtleties and contradictions in our emotional lives.
And while AI tools like ChatGPT can understand the broad strokes of human emotion, they can’t grasp its more nuanced layers.
This is where we get to contribute in a world where AI does 85% of the writing. We get to improve on those first drafts with edits or rewrites that lead with nuanced human emotions.
Create those layers with Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as to recognize, understand, respect and influence the emotions of others.
EI lies at the heart of having healthy relationships with others, both at home and at work.
For marketing writers, it gives us ways to connect with our readers at a deeper level, beyond the reach of what AI tools can achieve.
This is why may latest course, Futureproof Copywriting, is divided into three sections.
Section One shows you now to lean into AI, and get the most from AI writing tools.
Section Two teaches you about Emotional Intelligence, and its application to copy and content writing.
Section Three shows you how to blend AI with EI, creating copy that is beyond what AI alone can achieve.
2024 is going to change everything in marketing.
When it comes to the application of AI to digital marketing, 2023 was just the warm-up period.
2024 is going to see more sophisticated tools being applied in ways that transform the space we work in, taking us beyond Neil Patel’s 85% mark.
What can you do?
First, lean into the technology. Leverage AI to your own advantage, and then train yourself in areas where AI is at its weakest, like Emotional Intelligence.
You need to start the new year in a positive, proactive way… getting ahead of a technology that will overwhelm many other writers.
And yes, enrolling in my course, Futureproof Copywriting is one of the most positive moves you can make right now.
It will give you the knowledge and skills to thrive in 2024.