3 Benefits of writing better subheads.

woman at desk writing with a laptop computer

Hopefully, you pay a lot of attention to writing your headlines.

I do.

I typically go through several drafts until I’m reasonably happy with a headline.

Headlines are important, because a good one captures attention and inspires people to start reading the body text. Bad headlines don’t.

Truth be told, I’m a bit of a headline nerd. I created an entire course on how to write them.

But… there’s more.

What about those subheads?

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5 Simple ways to improve every page of content you create.

Write on laptop creating web content

We’re all guilty of rushing when writing web content.

Well, I am. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone!

A 500-word blog post? Maybe I can get that done before my meeting at 11:00. Or I’ll squeeze it in before finishing up at the end of the day.

It’s weird, because we rarely think the same about writing a more “important” page, like a sales page.

But… your content pages ARE important.

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Impress your clients – and earn more – with this simple Content Optimization Framework.

content marketing framework

There is a huge demand for quality web content.

The trouble is – for us writers – many, or maybe most companies have a nasty habit of low-balling us on price. They want great content, but don’t want to pay much for it.

When we tell them the content we write is worth more than they are offering, they may point us to sites like Freelancer.com, where they can find content writers for peanuts.

How can you break free from that kind of comparison?

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