How Dangerous Dave and Big Brian drive conversations for this artist.

Big Brian pain brushes

I write and talk a lot about the power and benefits of conversational copywriting.

Today I want to share an example of how the power of conversation extends way beyond just the words we write as copywriters.

Let me introduce you to Dangerous Dave, Big Brian, Flat Phil and Miss Rigger.

As you may have already noticed from the photo above, these are the names of four different paint brushes.

These four brushes arrived in the mail because my wife is an accomplished watercolor artist, but still likes to take classes. And one of the instructors she likes to follow is Andrew Geeson, from Wales. Andrew, as well as being an artist and instructor, clearly has smart marketing skills coded into his DNA.

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Am I too late for Conversational Copywriting?

(What follows is the outline I wrote in advance of recording the video. They’re my talking points. Not a regular post or article. Just an outline.)

This question is from Bernard, who took my course on Conversational Copywriting.

He asks, “I’m guessing conversational copywriting is really popular with copywriters now. Am I too late to take this approach? Is the market already saturated?”

Well… I wish Bernard had a legitimate worry here. But I don’t think he does.

I don’t imagine the market will become saturated with talented conversational copywriters any time soon.

For now, most copywriters still follow the traditional, hard-sell approach.

How come?

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Is conversational copywriting just “copywriting lite”?

(What follows is the outline I wrote in advance of recording the video. They’re my talking points. Not a regular post or article. Just an outline.)

This question was asked by Sylvia, who is thinking about taking my course on Conversational Copywriting.

“When you talk about conversational copywriting not being pushy and being free of hype, it makes it sound a little like you’re simply writing copy that doesn’t try very hard… like copywriting lite. Am I wrong?”

Reasonable question.

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If you can hold a conversation, you can sell.

(What follows is the outline I wrote in advance of recording the video. They’re my talking points. Not a regular post or article. Just an outline.)

I got an email from Daniel, who has taken my course on Conversational Copywriting.

He asks:

“Nick, I took your course on conversational copywriting, but still don’t feel comfortable “selling”. I’d love to make a living as a copywriter, but fear I’m one of those people who will never feel comfortable in the role of a salesman.”

Well… if you feel that way after completing the course, I can’t help thinking I have failed you there.

Because the thing about conversational copywriting is that it enables you to sell without taking on the mantle of being a salesman or sales person.

And Daniel, I have a challenge for you.

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Can conversational copywriting be optimized for the search engines?

(What follows is the outline I wrote in advance of recording the video. They’re my talking points. Not a regular post or article. Just an outline.)

An interesting question from Phillip, who took my course on conversational copywriting.

He wonders if using natural, plain-speaking and conversational language in your copy and content might be detrimental to optimizing for the search engines.

That’s a reasonable concern.

Five years ago I spent a lot more time focused on SEO and keyword optimization. Not so much today. But it’s still a factor when I build a new post or page.

To illustrate Phillip’s point, let’s look at how someone might optimize a text link for the term “cheap coffee maker”.

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What’s the easiest way to make your copy sounds conversational?

(What follows is the outline I wrote in advance of recording the video. They’re my talking points. Not a regular post or article. Just an outline.)

This question came up during some back and forth over homework a student submitted as part of my course on Conversational Copywriting.

Here it is…

“Are there any quick and dirty tricks I can use to making corporate-sounding sales copy feel authentic and conversational?

There are two answers to this.

The NO answer and the YES answer.

Let’s start with NO.

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