As freelancers we spend much of our time alone. This means we are alone with our thoughts – for better or for worse.
The trouble is, we often get overwhelmed by negative thoughts and feelings. We don’t feel good enough, or ready enough, or valuable enough.
My ebook, Affirmations for Freelancers, helps you change that balance, and tip your life towards confidence, optimism and positivity.
As a freelancer, what do you worry about?
We worry about making enough money this month. We worry about where the work is coming from next month. We worry about keeping up with fast-moving changes in our industry. And so on.
And these worries can quickly fill our minds with a crowd of negative thoughts and feelings.
See if you find any of the following thoughts familiar.
“I’m not ready.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“I don’t feel in control.”
“I can’t find new clients.”
“I can’t raise my rates.”
When it comes to the things we feel we can’t do or can’t change, the list can go on and on. Thoughts like these are negative affirmations, the opposite of positive affirmations. As with any kind of affirmation, repetition soon becomes truth.
In other words, if you say, “I can’t find new clients” often enough, it will become the truth in your mind. And sure enough, you won’t be able to find new clients.
Change your freelance business, and your life, with positive affirmations.
You might feel a little silly standing in front of the mirror, looking yourself in the eyes and saying, “I am ready and will find all the clients I need.”
But is that any sillier than saying, “I’m not good enough. I’ll never find the number of projects I need”?
When we harbor negative thoughts, we feel on safe and familiar ground. Everyone moans and complains about something. That’s what after-work drinks are for.
To step out and deliberately, repeatedly make positive affirmations might feel a little awkward at first.
But over time, what would you rather do? Do you want to carry on with those comfortable, negative thoughts and worry about your future? Or would you rather fill your mind with positive thoughts and see your freelance business take off and prosper?
But do positive affirmations really work?
Yes, they do.
I know this to be true from my own experience as a freelancer over the last 30 years. I also know it to be true from my work as a coach.
And, as you’ll read in my book, there is a ton of scientific research to show that your thoughts have a profound impact on what happens in your life.
Here is what you’ll get from this book…
The book is divided, more or less, into two halves.
The first half looks at the power of positive affirmations, and why they work. In addition, I devote some space to looking at why positive affirmations as so important to freelancers. (In a nutshell, it’s because we work alone. We are alone with our own thoughts, for better or for worse.)
The second half of the book is devoted to the 39 affirmations themselves. These are broken into categories, for different times and circumstances in a freelancer’s life.
Here are the categories addressed…
First thing each day
Launch your freelance business
Set goals and staying focused
Get more clients
Take control of your business
Set higher fees
Double your income
Be more productive
Be more creative
When others hold you back
At the end of each day
Each category includes an introduction, and three or four affirmations.
As you can see, I wrote this book very much for freelancers, to address the real challenges and opportunities we all face.
Get started with Affirmations for Freelancers now…
This is a short ebook, just 55 or so pages. It will take you less than an hour to read.
But this isn’t a book you just read and forget. It’s more like a workbook. The idea is to pick the affirmations which can help you most, and then commit to repeating those affirmations on a daily basis.
Do that, and after 30, 60 or 90 days, you’ll see and feel dramatic and positive changes in your life as a freelancer.
Priced at just $6.25, this book has the potential to change your business and transform your life.
With this book in your hands, you CAN make positive change, and create a freelance lifestyle that is more enjoyable, more profitable, and less stressful…
Buy your copy of Affirmations for Freelancers at Amazon now…