The advantages of being a slightly older copywriter.

OK, so maybe I’m a little beyond being a “slightly” older copywriter. That’s what happens when you’ve been writing copy for over 45 years.

You also bump into something else at my age… ageism.

Yup… there is a fear among some prospective clients that I’m too old. I’m not sure what I’m too old for – or why – and so far I’ve been too polite to ask.

But yes, it stings when people look at you and make assumptions about your ability to do good work.

I take a contrary view (shocker!).

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5 Examples of stories that add Emotional Intelligence to your AI-assisted copy.

Hiking and enjoying nature

Using AI to write copy and content offers incredible productivity benefits.

But… AI output can feel dry and generic. It packs no emotional punch.

That’s why I advocate leading with a high level of emotional intelligence. At every stage of using these AI writing tools, ask yourself how to make the copy more emotionally engaging.

One of the easiest and most powerful ways to do this is to use stories. Everyone loves stories. And in the world of marketing, some of the most powerful stories are the ones that include some kind of customer transformation.

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How to use AI to analyze the emotions of your prospects.

AI robot sitting in place of therapist for human

My advice to every aspiring copywriter has always been, “Step one is to listen to your audience”.

Put another way, “If you don’t know who you’re talking to, how can you know what to say?”

When you listen to your prospects and your customers, you get a feel for the emotions they bring to the table.

Identify their fears and desires, and you can speak to those emotions in your copy. Get a sense of the language they use, and you can mirror that language in your own writing.

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3 Ways writing with a high level of Emotional Intelligence can enrich your life.

emotional intelligence with pen and coffee cup

There is something flat and unsatisfying about writing in a formulaic way.

Academic writing. Business writing. Marketing writing.

You do the work. You put the words together. You wait for pay day.

As a copywriter, the least satisfying type of writing for me is when I follow some kind of template or framework. That kind of structure may reflect a “winning and proven” approach to writing an ad, landing page or sales page.

But… I don’t get much pleasure from writing like that. I’m following the rules, but I don’t feel that I’m putting any of myself into the work.

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Forget everything you learned about writing at school.

story of princess and dragon

Back as a child, you were probably an amazing writer.

All those wonderful stories swirling around in your head. Maybe you wrote some of them down.

All that imagination… the adventures… the excitement.

And who was the hero of these stories? You, of course!

Your energy, bravery and wisdom were at the center of everything you wrote. You were at the center of your universe!

And then you went to school…


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Use personal, emotional experiences to separate your writing from anything created by AI.

There are various ways to insert emotion and emotional intelligence into your work.

But perhaps the easiest way to communicate emotion is to write from a perspective of personal experience.

On other words, weave yourself or someone else into the narrative.

Put human experience into the frame.

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