8 Bonuses and $100 off my Copywriting 2.0 program – Deal Expires Today.

online copywriting courseIt has been about four years now since I first wrote the Copywriting 2.0 program. I wrote it based on my work as a web writer and trainer for companies and organizations like Yahoo!, Intuit, The New York Times, The Getty Trust and many others.

So while I wrote the program for online copywriters at any stage of their careers, even beginners, the content of the program is based on my writing and training work for some of the most respected companies in the world.

In other words, this is a professional-grade program. There is nothing thin or skinny about it.

And since we first published the program, we have been updating and adding to it on an ongoing basis, including the addition of embedded videos.

Also, year by year, I have been creating more and more webinars, teleconferences and written materials to support the program.

As a result, when you buy the program now, you not only get the full, updated program, but also receive all of the following 8 bonuses.

* My two-part “Jump Start” teleconference series.

* “Writing Rituals,” my guide to maximizing your productivity as a writer.

* “Words of Wisdom,” a collection of my most popular articles on writing for the web.

* My 4-Part Webinar Workshop. During this series, you’ll learn how to write the 4 most common and lucrative web copy projects you are likely to encounter when starting out as an online copywriter.

* Four Strategies for Increasing the Money You Make from Every Project You Do. An information-packed webinar where I shares four strategies you can use right now to maximize the money you make from every new assignment you work on.

* How to Promote Yourself as an Online Copywriter. A special webinar where I reveals proven strategies you can put into use immediately to start attracting clients.

* How to Discover a Profitable Copywriting Niche That’s Right for You. During this webinar series I show you my step-by-step process to uncovering the web-writing niche that’s both profitable and right for you.

* A FREE subscription to the Wealthy Web Writer e-letter, a weekly source for writing effective web copy.

Best of all, if you buy before the end of TODAY, Friday April 27th, you’ll save $100 on the price.

Learn more and buy the program here…

About the author: Nick Usborne is an online writer, copywriter, author and coach.

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