Thank You For Joining Us On The Law of Relevancy Podcast

I hope you enjoyed my conversation on The Law of Relevancy Podcast with Cordes Owen. I know I did!

Truth be told, it’s hard to stop me talking about AI and Emotional Intelligence.

I’m fascinated by the technology of AI, and what it can do for us. And I’m spellbound by the very human-centered power of Emotional Intelligence.

Best of all, I love how both can be combined to create uniquely engaging copy and content.

Tap into the power of AI and EI for yourself…

There are three steps to take.

Step 1: Lean into AI to the point where you feel proficient in using AI writing tools

Step 2: Learn as much as you can about Emotional Intelligence

Step 3: Learn how to combine the two… AI plus EI

Get started by helping yourself to one or more of the three options below.

  • Dip your toe in with the FREE guide
  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Enroll in the course and SAVE 20% right now

Help yourself to one, two, or all three of these offers…