Am I too late for Conversational Copywriting?

(What follows is the outline I wrote in advance of recording the video. They’re my talking points. Not a regular post or article. Just an outline.)

This question is from Bernard, who took my course on Conversational Copywriting.

He asks, “I’m guessing conversational copywriting is really popular with copywriters now. Am I too late to take this approach? Is the market already saturated?”

Well… I wish Bernard had a legitimate worry here. But I don’t think he does.

I don’t imagine the market will become saturated with talented conversational copywriters any time soon.

For now, most copywriters still follow the traditional, hard-sell approach.

How come?

Because it’s what they know. It’s what they were taught.

And because many companies in the online marketing industry still advocate the one-way, broadcast, high-volume, in-your-face approach.

It’s kind of crazy… because as consumers more and more of us wish companies would stop shouting AT us and start talking WITH us.

But for now, being a conversational copywriter means serving a fast-growing niche market.

You’ll be helping smart companies that are ready to move forward and engage with their prospects and customers in more authentic ways.

So… Bernard… don’t worry.

As with any niche, you’ll have the advantage of being a specialist in this field.

And you’ll be targeting just those companies that feel ready to drive sales and growth through the medium of conversation.

I hope this answers your question and reassures you a little!


NOTE: I have an entire course devoted to the craft of Conversational Copywriting. (This link takes you to my separate Conversational Copywriting website.)


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