Use personal, emotional experiences to separate your writing from anything created by AI.

There are various ways to insert emotion and emotional intelligence into your work.

But perhaps the easiest way to communicate emotion is to write from a perspective of personal experience.

On other words, weave yourself or someone else into the narrative.

Put human experience into the frame.

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How to avoid the “echo effect” when working with AI.

Robot AI writing at desk by window

By now, pretty much every writer and copywriter on the planet will have used a tool like ChatGPT as a writing assistant.

Some writers use AI just to help outline their work. Others use it to complete full drafts.

Other tasks that are really well suited to AI include things like brainstorming and market research. This takes us beyond just the task of writing, and can help us learn more about the products and services we’re writing about.

Working with an AI is like having a super-smart assistant working with you on every project.

But there’s one big downside…

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