Lead with Emotional Intelligence before you input your AI prompts.

Which comes first, AI or EI?

Do you start your writing project with AI, and then tweak the outputs to make the copy more emotionally intelligent?

That’s how most people do this. And it’s how I do it myself, some of the time.

Start with a tool like ChatGPT to do the heavy lifting. Use it to do research for a new page, the outline, and a first draft. Once that’s done, you can add layers of more emotionally engaging copy to make the whole thing more appealing and effective.

But… it doesn’t have to be that way.

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The faster the pace of AI adoption, the more important it is writers don’t fall behind.

Back in 1995 I published my first website. Those were the early days of the web as a place for business.

That year there were just 16 million people online.

It wasn’t until 1998 that the number of people using the web hit 100 million.

From zero to 100 million in a little over 3 years.

That rapid rate of change was deeply disruptive to traditional, bricks-and-mortar businesses. Companies were struggling to keep up and adapt.

Now let’s fast-forward to November 2022, and the launch of ChatGPT.

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3 Ways writing with a high level of Emotional Intelligence can enrich your life.

emotional intelligence with pen and coffee cup

There is something flat and unsatisfying about writing in a formulaic way.

Academic writing. Business writing. Marketing writing.

You do the work. You put the words together. You wait for pay day.

As a copywriter, the least satisfying type of writing for me is when I follow some kind of template or framework. That kind of structure may reflect a “winning and proven” approach to writing an ad, landing page or sales page.

But… I don’t get much pleasure from writing like that. I’m following the rules, but I don’t feel that I’m putting any of myself into the work.

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Forget everything you learned about writing at school.

story of princess and dragon

Back as a child, you were probably an amazing writer.

All those wonderful stories swirling around in your head. Maybe you wrote some of them down.

All that imagination… the adventures… the excitement.

And who was the hero of these stories? You, of course!

Your energy, bravery and wisdom were at the center of everything you wrote. You were at the center of your universe!

And then you went to school…


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If you’re worried AI might threaten your future as a copywriter, it’s time to get futureproofed.

on the beach, a happy future

Who’s opinion should you listen to?

Always a tough question. Right now there are plenty of conflicting views when it comes to the future impact of AI on the careers of writers and copywriters.

At one extreme, there are those who claim AI is just hype, a passing fad, and that it will never replace human writers.

At the other extreme, some copywriters are worried their jobs will be completely obliterated by AI within the next few years.

The truth, as it almost always the case, lies somewhere in between.

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How stories add emotional appeal to your AI-assisted copy and content.

I use GPT-4 every day. I use it to brainstorm ideas, research topics, come up with content suggestions, and to outline longer-form content.

Once I’m done researching and outlining with GPT-4, I open up Nick-4 and look for ways to add Emotional Intelligence to whatever I’m writing. (Yup, Nick-4 is me.)

In other words, I’ll never just start writing based on the output of GPT-4 alone.

AI tools are great for improving our productivity, but they’re not good at genuine empathy, cultural sensitivity, or nuanced emotions.

They’re not human.

One of the best ways to add the human touch is to tell a story or two.

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